The G Word

Tips Round Up #1 - Top 20 Teacher/Author Tips
I recently attended a teacher/ author workshop. During this workshop there was a portion of the day which was called author speed dating, where people had 5 minutes with...
Tips Round Up #1 - Top 20 Teacher/Author Tips
I recently attended a teacher/ author workshop. During this workshop there was a portion of the day which was called author speed dating, where people had 5 minutes with...

Top 7 Places to Promote Your Products and Grow ...
Promoting products is one of those jobs with which I have a love/hate relationship. When I am in the right mood promotion is great, I love writing blogs, I create...
Top 7 Places to Promote Your Products and Grow ...
Promoting products is one of those jobs with which I have a love/hate relationship. When I am in the right mood promotion is great, I love writing blogs, I create...

I don't want people to steal my idea!
I recently received this question: 'I have a great idea for a resource. I think it will be great and sell really well. But I am worried about talking about...
I don't want people to steal my idea!
I recently received this question: 'I have a great idea for a resource. I think it will be great and sell really well. But I am worried about talking about...

Where have all my sales gone? - Summer Slump
Yes it is summer. Yes your sales may have dropped off a cliff Don't panic! Summer time is the time of year that your sales will slow down. That's...
Where have all my sales gone? - Summer Slump
Yes it is summer. Yes your sales may have dropped off a cliff Don't panic! Summer time is the time of year that your sales will slow down. That's...

What should I put on the credits page?
This is a great question! Your credits page is really important. Firstly, and probably most importantly, it is the place where you can give credit for any photos, clipart...
What should I put on the credits page?
This is a great question! Your credits page is really important. Firstly, and probably most importantly, it is the place where you can give credit for any photos, clipart...

Can I be successful without social media?
It is understandable that some people do not want to promote their businesses on social media. You might not want your school to know about your side business, you might...
Can I be successful without social media?
It is understandable that some people do not want to promote their businesses on social media. You might not want your school to know about your side business, you might...