Where have all my sales gone? - Summer Slump

Where have all my sales gone? - Summer Slump



Yes it is summer. 

Yes your sales may have dropped off a cliff

Don't panic! Summer time is the time of year that your sales will slow down. That's ok, in the new school year it will pick back up again. That means that you have the summer to get things in place for the busy season! Some of the best things to do when sales are low:

  • Make more products - when teachers get back to shopping have things for them to buy!
  • Pin, pin, pin - Get those pins into circulation and ready for the new school year. Also many teachers spend their summer planning and saving pins so get them out there.
  • Write the blog posts - Just because sales aren't happening doesn't mean teachers aren't reading your stuff! 
  • Relax! - It is your summer too! 


Have a great break everyone

If you are a new seller (or even if you aren't) click here to grab your free seller starter pack. This pack contains your seller planner and 101 ways to market your store list. 


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