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Teacher-Author Advanced Coaching Package

Teacher-Author Advanced Coaching Package

Regular price $1,036.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,036.00 USD
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Teacher-Author Advanced Coaching Package

Are you looking for support and coaching to launch or improve your teaching resources business? I am a full time resource seller, with a successful website and extensive marketing training. I have been coaching sellers for just over a year and I am now opening up my coaching services to a limited number of new clients for this year.


If you would like to grow your business with dedicated support and real actionable advice and steps I can help you. I can advise on: Store and site design, product creation, Selling platforms, social media marketing, blogging, use of email lists, business growth and much more.


This is the Advanced Package and includes:

- A primary consultation

- A store or website analysis

- A detailed analysis of a product or product line

- Seven one on one coaching call

- A personalized business road map

- Promotional opportunities on my own blog and website

- Option to participate in marketing opportunities

- After coaching ‘goal check-in’ online meeting


This is the Advanced Coaching package and is perfect if you would like to expand your business and develop product creation and marketing skills.


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