I know, I'm sorry, I didn't want to be the one to say it but somebody had to!
Now I know that there are some fantastic blogs out there to really help prepare you for the first few days back and I will be listing some of them at the end of this post. I wanted to talk to you about something a little bit different.
The Teacher Box
Us teachers sometimes need reminding that we are important too and our health and well being is just as vital as everything else! With that in mind I am asking you to get a teacher box ready at the start of the year to see you through. Here is a list of the items I keep in my teacher box, but feel free to add your own ideas and tell me about them in the comments and don't forget to stock up throughout the year when your supplies run low.
1 - Medicines
Go over board with this because you know the one thing you haven't got will be the one thing you need. Plus it never hurts to have the perfect cure for a fellow teacher in need and have them owe you a favour or two my teacher box medicines include:
- Paracetamol (or aspirin, not me though I'm allergic!)
- Throat lozenges
- Hay fever and allergy tablets and sprays
- Plasters
- Heart burn and indigestion tablets
- Some really nice tissues
- Extra hand sanitizer
- Eye drops
- Cough medicine
- Lemsip
2 - Nail files
My nails look lovely over the summer and then back to school they break instantly
3 - Sweets, chocolate and biscuits
Enough said....
4- Quick food that keeps
Cereal bars, Cup a Soups, noodles anything that will get you out of forgetting your lunch!
5 - Comfy shoes
If you are anything like me there will come a day when you find in the back of your wardrobe some beautiful, practical, wondrous pair of work shoes that you haven't worn in months; and you will think to yourself 'why haven't I worn these in ages? I forgot I had them!'. Then you will put them on and stroll off to work and the second the kids walk in you will remember why you haven't worn them and you will be in agony all day! Trust me pack the spare shoes! Also shoes break!
6 - A good moisturiser
For those days when your skin really needs you to be kind to it!
7- Something that inspires you
This job can wear us all out and sometimes we need a little reminder. it could be a favourite quote or a beautiful picture or maybe a note from a student. Keep something nearby which reminds you why we do this every day.
So there you have it my teacher box. Please be kind to yourselves this year, remember you are doing a great job!
Here are a few blogs to checkout for great back to school ideas:
Enjoy the rest of the summer everyone :)