Five Ways to Celebrate the End of School Year

Five Ways to Celebrate the End of School Year

Five Ways to Celebrate the End of School Year



Once Easter is out of the way, the summer term is here and the end of the school year is just around the corner! Teachers and kids are all excited that the summer holidays are coming so it can be a lot of fun to celebrate with some unusual end of school year activities. Here are my top five end of school year celebration ideas. Let me know your favourite ways to round up the year! 

Class Olympic Games

Having a competition with your class can be great fun, but it is even more exciting if you include many different categories. Don't just have the usual sports races, use board games, art competitions, even maths challenges. See what types of competitions your kids come up with! 

Award Ceremonies

Giving out award certificates for your kids is a great way to round off the year. Have the rest of the class vote on who gets which certificate adds to the fun! If you are looking for award certificates I have an awards pack in my store. 


Class Party

Of course the good old class party, have some snacks play some fun music and let the children say goodbye in style. One great tip for class parties is to use the Just Dance videos on YouTube. Not only do they show the kids how to do the dance moves but can be great for dance competitions. 

Kindness Celebrations

Similar to the classroom awards but with a much nicer element. Have each child come to the front of the class and the rest of the children have to say something nice about them. It can be something they like to play with them, a quality they admire or just how great they are to be in class with.

Big Plans

End of year is a great time to reflect on the year and make plans for the next. Have the children dream big, let them discuss all the things they want to accomplish next year and set their own goals. Searching their goals and the steps they are going to take to get to them can be really encouraging for the children that often let learning slide in summer! 

What ever you decide to do I hope the summer term goes quickly and your holidays are fabulous! 

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