No do it yourself!

No do it yourself!

I want to tell you one of my favourite stories, it is the story of my meeting with the most wonderful man. It starts out with me swearing off men forever. I really wasn’t looking at all. I was out with some friends and we were dancing and drinking and talking. One of my friends grabbed my arm and pointed across the room, she shouted in my ear, “Look at him! He is lovely” or something like that.


I wasn’t really paying attention so just nodded and agreed and said back “Go and talk to him”


“No! I can’t do that! I can’t just go talk to him!”


“Yes you can. Just go do it.” I said, trying to be encouraging.


“Go find out if he’s single, please” she begged me. So I agreed and walked over to this gorgeous man with dark hair and a killer smile……


And that is how I met the man I am now spending my life with (and yes, I am still friends with the other girl, she found someone else).


The point of my telling you all this isn’t (just) to brag, it’s because my life wouldn’t be the way it is now if I hadn’t walked up to a stranger and asked him out (for my friend, erm…..).


I do appreciate that I am very lucky, some people have real social anxiety, some people actually cannot do this. But a lot of people can, they make an excuse, take the easy option and get someone else to do it. I have an insanely happy life that just seems to keep getting better and better. But I do believe a lot of my happiness and luck comes about because I am not afraid to do things, or if I am afraid, I do it anyway, so go do it yourself! You could be missing out on something great!





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