What resources should I create?

What resources should I create?


This is a tricky question. The simple answer is, resources you would use in your classroom. However, sometimes it isn't quite as easy and straight forward as that. 

Everyone has creative block now and then. Sometimes I just feel a bit stuck and I am not interested in creating. It is fine to have these low points but if you are really stuck there are somethings you can do to get yourself started. 


You need to start with the students in mind, they will be the ones using your product so start with them and what you want them to learn or how they will benefit. 


As a side note: If you are interested in learning how to create the resources below and other products for your classroom or to sell on TPT I cannot recommend enough the Flap Jack Factory Classes. Tabitha Carro Who teaches the course is fantastic and you will not regret signing up! The templates provided are worth the cost of the course alone! 

So ideas for resources you can make:

If your subject fits, task cards are great, you can create fun twists on the tasks you set for the children and the design. 

If you are interested in classroom decor and have a flair for design, then creating and selling complete classrooms is a fun resource to make. 

Lap-books and interactive notebooks on a subject you teach really look impressive and can reach the students. 

Creating smart board games is another great version of your resources. 


What ever you decide to create keep in mind your end goal is to teach and encourage students. 




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